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Choose your future

Four program options to fit your individual needs

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#1. Basic To Badass

6-month program. Results 100% guaranteed.

  • Nutrition Consulting & Workout Design
    6-month program. Results 100% guaranteed.

  • Select this program if you’re a self motivated individual who enjoys engaging with others who share similar food struggles, in a small private community.

  • Perfect for those who prefer email correspondence, yet still desire one-on-one coaching and accountability.

  • Weekly check-ins to assess progress, both psychological and physical.

  • Monthly video group coaching call with members of the group.

  • Private VIP  group. The content includes daily posts, weekly body image within a supportive community that elevates and supports you the entire way to your goal. When you join the FLA program, you have a lifetime membership into this group.

  • Includes a new workout program every 4 weeks to ensure optimal physical progress; gym membership not required.

  • Limited availability. Program offered twice annually.


One-on-one coaching

Fat Murder (Accelerated drop fat faster)

Nutrition Consulting
6-month program. Results 100% guaranteed.

  • The perfect coaching program for those who feel out of control around food, possess an extensive history of failed dieting, and routinely battle emotional/binge eating episodes.

  • Weekly 30-minute phone check-ins to assess your progress, troubleshoot food-related challenges, and provide you with the psychological tools to ensure you’re moving forward at an optimal rate.

  • 2 coaching session a month w/ Personal Coach 

  • Unlimited email and text messaging support available in-between your regularly scheduled phone check-ins.

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Fit Girl


One-on-one coaching

Look Better Naked

Nutrition Consulting & Workout Design
6-month program. Results 100% guaranteed.


  • Everything in the Look Better Naked package,this program is designed to accelerate fat loss by including a customized workout program tailored to your unique body and lifestyle.

  • In addition to one-on-one nutritional guidance and support through weekly phone check-ins, your workout accountability will also be closely monitored to ensure optimal progress on your fitness goals.

  • Every four weeks you will receive a new customized fitness program to prevent weight loss plateaus.

  • Phone application software that allows you to access your personalized workouts and track progress through scale weight, measurements, and pictures (all optional).

  • Unlimited Workout & Nutrition Programs.

  • This program to get to Bikini & Athlete Body.

  • Gym membership not required.

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